Monday, June 15, 2009

Annex C Call for Evidence HE Review for the Public

Annex C – Public Call for Evidence Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire about home education. The Government is committed to ensuring that systems for keeping children safe, and ensuring that they receive a suitable education, are as robust as possible. An independent review of home education is part of this continuing commitment. The Review will look in particular at if and how far home educated children have access to the five Every Child Matters outcomes (see www. for more information). These outcomes are:

*Be healthy
* Stay safe
*Enjoy and achieve
*Make a positive contribution
*Achieve economic wellbeing

The full terms of reference for the review are available on-line at homeeducation

The Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families has asked Graham Badman CBE, to lead this independent review. Mr Badman is gathering evidence about current working arrangements from a range of key stakeholders such as home educating families and home educated children; local authority staff responsible for ensuring the safety, wellbeing and education of children and young people; and other organisations that represent children, young people and families, such as children’s charities. As part of that process, we would be very interested to hear your responses to the questions below. Please return your completed questionnaire by Friday 20 th February 2009 to homeeducation. Thank you for taking time to respond to these questions.


Section One – About You

1. Please specify in what capacity you are responding to this questionnaire. Please tick

Please provide more information if you wish

A home educating parent
A home educated child Working in local authority with responsibility for home educated children Working in local authority with other responsibilities
Working with children or families in another capacity (e.g. third sector)
Member of the general public
Other organisation/capacity (please specify)


2. Do you think the current system for safeguarding children who are educated at home is adequate?

Yes Why do you think that?
No Why do you think that?
Don’t know


3.  Do you think that home educated children are able to achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes? Yes/No/Don't Know.

Please say why for each of the five outcomes.

Be healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Make a positive contribution
Achieve economic well-being


4. Do you think that Government and local authorities have an obligation to ensure that all children in this country are able to achieve the five outcomes?

Yes/No/Don't Know

How do you think Government should ensure this? Why do you think that?


5.  Do you think there should be any changes made to the current system for supporting home educating families? Yes/No/Don't Know

What should they be?

Why do you think that?


6. Do you think there should be any changes made to the current system for monitoring home educating families? Yes/No/Don't Know.

What should they be?

Why do you think that?


7. Some people have expressed concern that home education could be used as a cover for child abuse, forced marriage, domestic servitude or other forms of child neglect. What do you think Government should do to ensure this cannot happen again?


Thank you for taking time to respond to these questions. Please return your completed questionnaire, by Friday 20th February 2009, to


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